which hoop refs
aren't crooked?

a comparison of conference referees over
Purdue Big Ten games since the '95-'96 season

comprehensive career statistics

     There has been a data explosion! In the GoBoilers.com tradition of getting you your meaningless nonsense in the quickest and most convenient form possible, the career statistics are now presented in an Excel file. Don't have Excel? Well, stick that finger in your rotary phone and get it, Junior!

     While you are looking at the file, use the red comment tabs to help navigate yourself through the data. If you are new here, you'll need to check out a few terms in the hoop ref glossary. By the way, any item in the file marked in red indicates that the referee is in the bottom three of the group in that category. Congratulations!

single season breakdowns

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

single season records

most losses lowest winning percentage most outrage points
5 Courtney Green 2020 0.000 (0-5) Courtney Green 2020 91 Pat Driscoll 2012
Ted Hillary 2006 Ted Hillary 2006 83 Courtney Green 2019
Ed Hightower 2004 Ed Hightower 2004 80 Ed Hightower 1998
Tom Rucker 2001 Tom Rucker 2001 75 Ed Hightower 2009
4 Courtney Green 2022 0.000 (0-4) Courtney Green 2022 70 Tim Comer 2024
Ed Hightower 1999 Art McDonald 2002 Ron Grissom 1996
Ed Hightower 2001 Terry Oglesby 2020 Ted Hillary 1998
Art McDonald 2002 Ray Perone 2014 Jerry Petro 1996
Art McDonald 2006 Larry Scirotto 2014 Sid Roedehoeffer 2003
Terry Oglesby 2020 Mike Sanzere 1996
Ray Perone 2014
Mike Sanzere 1996
Larry Scirotto 2014
Paul Szelc 2021

highest opg highest stinc-o lowest stinc-e
70 Ron Grissom 1996 63 Ron Grissom 1996 -0.900 Rob Riley 2024
60 Bob Mahre 2010 56 Bob Mahre 2010 -0.882 Ron Grissom 1996
49 Dwayne Gladden 2008 43 Dwayne Gladden 2008 Tim Higgins 2008
45 Paul Janssen 2012 41 Paul Janssen 2012 -0.857 Andy O'Brien 2024
40 John Higgins 2017 34 John Higgins 2017 -0.842 Courtney Green 2022
Terry Oglesby 2011 Terry Oglesby 2011


the gb.c hoop ref id helper

the randy drury atomic clock | any contact here, phil?

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