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Hi, My name is David Stern, and I am contacting you on behalf of our client,

Thames-Gas is one of the leading "Plumbing and Heating Company" in the UK, offering a Rolls Royce Service to our customers at all times from the initial call to their telephone operative to diagnosing the fault and providing a solution.

I have visited your site and see that your site is sufficiently related to their domain. It would be great if we can have website linked to yours, which would not only attract and benefit the B2B visitors to your site but also would be helpful for us. In lieu of this link, we will provide a link for your site from one of our best directories and from same PageRank page and the reason why we will not be linking back from thamesgas site is to rule out the link exchange approach which is not so search engine friendly.

My site details are as follow:-

Title : Plumbing Repair London
Description : Contact Thames Gas at 08001313832 for plumbing repair and installations services across London.

I'll look forward to your positive response. Thank you very much for your time.

David Stern

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