ICTM State Contest


    The ICTM State Math Contest is sponsored each year on a Saturday in April by the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The test is generally a forty-question test covering material appropriate to the contestant's current course in mathematics. Students compete only against students in their own courses at school. The test is given in a multiple-choice format; any student who scores 75% or better on the test is named 'Scholar' by the Council. Those who score in the top 5% statewide are named 'Outstanding Scholar'.

contest website http://www.indianamath.org/
samples Samples are available through the contest website.
qualifications Any East Tipp student may participate in the contest, as long as the ICTM's contest fee is paid.
xmt points Ten XMT points are awarded for participation. Additional points may be awarded to competitors in certain sections in instances where there exists a substantial imbalance of difficulty between the sections.

XMT points are awarded for performance at a rate of one point per correct answer. Tests are generally written to include forty questions. There is a twenty-point bonus for being named 'Scholar' and another twenty for 'Outstanding Scholar'. As this is a Saturday contest, Mr. Rice reserves the right to award compensatory points to an interested student who is unable to attend because of a legitimate commitment.

top performers

    East Tipp began participating in the ICTM State Contest in 1996. The following students have been named Outstanding Scholar.

pre-algebra Julia Phillips (1999)
Travis Gregory (2016)
algebra Jonathan Bartholomew (1997)
Jonathan Bristow (1999)
Frank Rohrer (1996)
Jake Spitznagle (2003)
Ben Anthony (2012)
Seth VanHoosier (2020*)
Gabby Hountz (2024*)
geometry Michael Wallpe (2011)
Chris Page (2015)
Albert Quigley (2016)
Antonio Figueras (2022)
* Just in case some fool is questioning our records, the COVID-19 Quarantine canceled the official administration of the ICTM State Contest in 2020; an unexplained State-wide conflict canceled it in 2024. As a result, we took unoffical remote versions instead. However, we did maintain testing integrity and use offical historical results to norm-reference our administration. So, while Seth's and Gabby's achievements are not official in the eyes of the State, they remain incredible in the eyes of Mr. Rice.

So there.