basics |
    The ICTM State Math Contest is sponsored each year on a Saturday in April by the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The test is generally a forty-question test covering material appropriate to the contestant's current course in mathematics. Students compete only against students in their own courses at school. The test is given in a multiple-choice format; any student who scores 75% or better on the test is named 'Scholar' by the Council. Those who score in the top 5% statewide are named 'Outstanding Scholar'. contest website
| samples
Samples are available through the contest website.
| qualifications
Any East Tipp student may participate in the contest, as long as the ICTM's contest fee is paid.
| xmt points
Ten XMT points are awarded for participation. Additional points may be awarded to competitors in
certain sections in instances where there exists a substantial imbalance of difficulty between the sections.
| XMT points are awarded for performance at a rate of one point per correct answer. Tests are generally written to include forty questions. There is a twenty-point bonus for being named 'Scholar' and another twenty for 'Outstanding Scholar'. As this is a Saturday contest, Mr. Rice reserves the right to award compensatory points to an interested student who is unable to attend because of a legitimate commitment. top performers
East Tipp began participating in the ICTM State Contest in 1996. The following students have been named Outstanding Scholar.