what secrets do my scores tell?

    The whole idea of this web page is to help you determine exactly what your scores are saying about how you're doing in class. More than just looking at a letter grade or an overall percent, the goal is to deeply analyze your results so that you can go about making them what you want them to be.

    Because of that, I'm going to list some secrets that some combinations of scores tell. Obviously, if you're getting a 40% on your homework, your problems are not a secret ... anyone can tell you what that means. However, there exist some situations, listed below, for which it may take some deeper thought to reveal that they are indicators of specific problems that you can fix. Do any of them apply to you?

Compared to the averages listed in the file,
my homework scores are a lot lower than my test scores.

Compared to the averages listed in the file,
my test scores are a lot lower than my homework scores.

Compared to the averages listed in the file,
my quiz scores are a lot lower than my test scores.

Compared to the averages listed in the file,
my test scores are a lot lower than my quiz scores.

    Keep in mind that these links are just guesses as to what your underlying issues might be; they represent the best advice I can give you on a general web page. If you'd like to get an even better idea of what's going on, I'd love to talk to you about it in person.